Young Eagles Flights are coming up and we need your help!

Here's how to volunteer!

April 5, 2023

Our Young Eagles 'season" is almost upon us with the first YE Flight day scheduled for Saturday May 13th at Giving Wings Aviation. Assembling and managing volunteers is always a challenge for the chapter's organizers, but you can help by registering on the website. By doing that the YE team knows who will be there to volunteer and be able to organize the volunteers into meaningful and well-defined functions (e.g. ramp support, registration, greeters and the like).

So, here's how to register as a volunteer:

  1. Go to
  2. If you've not done this before click on the "Sign-up" button in the upper right hand corner of the page.
  3. Fill out the form (this will allow you to be "invited" to volunteer at an event.
  4. You can volunteer to be a pilot or any number of ground support functions.
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