Lots of Activities Coming up and we'll need your help!

Young Eagles June 10 and TVC Open Ramp June 30

June 6, 2023

June is a busy month!

Young Eagles Rally and Pancake Breakfast at Empire

June 10th

Our next event is the Young Eagles flight AND pancake breakfast at Empire Saturday June 10th. This is always a fun event and as of this writing we've got 48 kids signed up to fly with more to come we're sure. We need people to help set up, direct the flight line, serve as chapter hosts and especially cooking up and serving pancakes. The event starts at 9:00, volunteers should be there by 8:30. Additionally, we'll be setting up Friday evening at 5:00 and we could use your help then as well (we'll provide brats and refreshments after setup). If you haven't already volunteered to fly or help and can do so, please contact Jim Sorbie at 231-590-5341 or jim@sorbiefam.com.

TVC Open Ramp

June 30th

Open Ramp night at the air station is Friday June 30th at 5:00PM. We're providing hotdogs and drinks for the guests at the ramp this year as well as running a STEM based game for the attendees, so we'll need your help that night! There will be more details forthcoming so stay tuned but please hold the date for us!

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